In my early philosophical training, so many years ago, Descartes was the first 'modern' - the original spark that prompted endless lines of questioning that Aristotle had evaded.
Hume (and Spinoza) challenged the question, and limited the ability to even try to answer it - while Kant, Hegel, and so many others tried to respond, each offering philosophical thoughts that triggered all sorts of follow on research...those movements created the processes deeply embedded in physical and social sciences.
Perhaps the philosophical project is sort of like the weights one might lift at a gym: one does not "win" once one moves a weight, but rather, grappling with them again and again changes us as we continue the pursuit. Perhaps the 'love' of metaphysics is like the gym rat who loves the sweat and effort. Perhaps we should honor and respect it as a beautiful thing, just as the human body is a beautiful thing.